A little about this Page

So this blog is all about my my Journey to a healthier me.
Its the real journey, Some funny moments, some down moments, and well some in between.
I will share what works for me and what does not.
I would love for you to follow me on this journey and feel free to comment but please no mean or nasty ones if you are going to do that then you may as well keep moving on.
I hope you enjoy this page.
The truth is losing weight is not as easy as you see it on TV.
The Struggle is Real.

Monday, November 28, 2016


Well I have still been unable to hit the gym but with the now we got today I had to go out a few times and shovel,
I don't just do my side walk but also those of my neighbors so its a pretty good workout
But it was not with out slipping on falling on my butt a few times. All I could do was laugh but in all honesty I am really glad i am not a skinny thing because with my padding so to say it did not hurt so much..

Friday, November 25, 2016

missing out

Well Granted its been a few weeks now since I have been to the gym... First I got hit with a nasty cough which turned n to a cold which seemed like forever to overcome... in fact I am only just getting over it now. then the hubby was doing early shifts which meant i was unable to go to the gym but I am still watching what I eat and luckily have not gained any weight so that is a plus.
But hopefully I will be able to get back to the gym any time soon.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Missing out

ugh I didn't make it to the Gym last week as was not feeling so great and then today I couldnt make it because hubby was gone.. I am bound and determined to go tomorrow but I know its going to be rough where I have not been in over a week.
And believe it or not I am fighting a cold.... ugh I cant let this stop me though my determination has to overcome everything else right.
You know how frustrating it is though when its easier to say "Oh i'll go tomorrow", ugh
hopefully tomorrow will be better

Friday, November 4, 2016

Chocolate Friday

In the Youngevity Company we always call Friday Chocolate Friday... Wait I hear you say Chocolate!!! but your losing weight, Well this Chocolate is not only Scrummy but is Actually good for you.. Check this out.

Now this makes a huge difference right (as the nor any questions feel free to contact me.)

I have just ordered some of this I love hot Chocolate and with this powder I can not only make Hot Chocolate but also use it to make a cake, muffins and more yummy

Thursday, November 3, 2016

The Struggle is so Real Peeps

OMG Saw this today and had to laugh and had to share because this is soooooo true.
After a good workout this is the Struggle I face.

Happy Thursday Every one

Just thought I would remind you all that not every one looks picture Perfect whilst Working out....

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Frustrating and Embarasing

So today I really tried to push it that little bit harder a the gym and after yesterday I think I did pretty well,
Because I managed (according to my fitbit) to make over 19000 steps by the end of yesterday, which is pretty good really.
Any way so I've done my weights downstairs of the gym and am now on the Elliptical 39 minutes in and I go to reach for my drink and managed to catch the wire to my earphones which is connected at the other end to my phone.
Before I know it the ear phones were ripped out of my ears and also trying to pull the connector out of the phone which leads it to fall with a boom (ok slight exaggeration) to the floor,
I guess I should be grateful that it didn't get tangled up with the peddles or even worse brake my phone
Any way as you can imagine it was frustrating,but with other ladies around me this morning I was not sure what to do, I mean do I stop and pick up only o start up again or do i keep peddling for a few more minutes? And make the situation more obvious.
so I figure i would work and then after about two minutes got down and causally picked my phone up and then went and moved on to another machine,
Needless to say I hit the store an invested in  a new set of ear that clip around your ear (my old ones would  keep  falling out
What do think  you would   do?

Boy am I sore

I feel like I am walking around like a penguin or something and going up the stairs just now felt like a huge struggle.
I still managed the gym today that was not a struggle it was coming home and then boom it seemed to hit me like a ton of bricks. and If I sit to long boom my legs feel all stiff.
This was due to my busy day yesterday. Although my workout seemed to be a struggle I am pretty sure I made up for it with lifting boxes (putting the Halloween stuff away) running up and down stairs throughout the day By putting things in storage and then doing laundry and cleaning house and such.
according to my fit bit I did just under 20000 steps yesterday Yes I probably should have pushed myself a little more to make it over that number but in all honesty by 9pm I was kaput I was struggling to keep my eyes open and so when my head hit that pillow I was out.
Whist I know that being sore must mean I am doing something right I also have to just laugh at myself for the way I am walking right now...

Tuesday, November 1, 2016


So these day are bound to happen and this morning was one of them, Getting out of bed and going was not such a struggle but keeping up to my usual pace on the Eliptical was Horrid.
I just could not keep up the pase, that and I kept looking at the clock to see how much time had gone by only to find that what felt like ten minutes was actually only 2 seconds ugh
But here is the thing I have to tell my self....

  At least I went
  At least I did the same amount of time on the machines
  Its one step closer to my goal

Did I still wish I had stayed home and stayed in bed? No, Because I felt a lot better for going and working out than not at all.