A little about this Page

So this blog is all about my my Journey to a healthier me.
Its the real journey, Some funny moments, some down moments, and well some in between.
I will share what works for me and what does not.
I would love for you to follow me on this journey and feel free to comment but please no mean or nasty ones if you are going to do that then you may as well keep moving on.
I hope you enjoy this page.
The truth is losing weight is not as easy as you see it on TV.
The Struggle is Real.

Thursday, October 20, 2016


Wow This morning was COLD.. I got out of my nice cozy warm bed determined to hurry and get dressed before my bed could tempt me back beneath its nice warm covers...
I slowly turn to take one last look before waking out the bedroom door... Quick before it pulls me back. I run downstairs grab myself, Quick I tell myself get out the house As i hear those calls from my bed.... Its not to late come back, Ill keep you warm
Nope keep going I open the door only to be hit by the full force of COLD!!
Am I crazy.... yes I am.
The path to the back gate seems long but I finally make it out and away from the clutches of warmth.
I then see the next ordeal. A frozen vehicle which I now sit in because the windows are frozen over
I crank up the heater to high and soon the windows start to clear I finally escape the clutches of my warm cozy bed and home to face the clutches of the gym where i will push my body to the max and make it feel like its being tortured
Was it worth it Heck yeah does the cold make it any easier HECK NO but I survived and know I can do this again tomorrow.

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