A little about this Page

So this blog is all about my my Journey to a healthier me.
Its the real journey, Some funny moments, some down moments, and well some in between.
I will share what works for me and what does not.
I would love for you to follow me on this journey and feel free to comment but please no mean or nasty ones if you are going to do that then you may as well keep moving on.
I hope you enjoy this page.
The truth is losing weight is not as easy as you see it on TV.
The Struggle is Real.

Monday, October 24, 2016

Gross....but interesting fact...

Ok so This is pretty Gross but it the truth of the matter and seeing this makes me want to lose the fat even more!!!

I deff wont be complaining even when I only lose one pound because even with jut a pound of this disgusting stuff of my body is better than still having it stuck to me.

But something else to think about that I just learnt is what written in this picture

So deff dont be discouraged when your fat turns into muscle Which do you find more attractive?? I know which I would prefer 

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