A little about this Page

So this blog is all about my my Journey to a healthier me.
Its the real journey, Some funny moments, some down moments, and well some in between.
I will share what works for me and what does not.
I would love for you to follow me on this journey and feel free to comment but please no mean or nasty ones if you are going to do that then you may as well keep moving on.
I hope you enjoy this page.
The truth is losing weight is not as easy as you see it on TV.
The Struggle is Real.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

What's So Different About Youngevity?

So I run a home based business through Youngevity. I love it.... Why because there is something for EVERYONE not to mention that they have products PROVEN to help better your health in MANY ways. I started with Heritage Makers which is an online Digital Story booking company but then they also offer a WIDE range of other personalized products as well such a mugs, Handbags (AKA Purse's) Stationary canvases and soooo much more. Being a mum finding the time to what I call Traditional scrap book was just impossible. not to mention I didn't have the room to store all that stuff.. All I do know is simply open my laptop sit in my comfy chair and log in to my website. SOO much easier. well Heritage makers joined forces with Youngevity which not only opened up a whole lot of opportunity but meant that I was going world Wide and could get those awesome consultant discounts on more products and make more money by offer people what they wanted such as Oils, Spa and beauty products, Health products Jewelry and so much more any way here is a little about it..

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